Tip #1 - Exam Season Series: How to get through your exams


Good Evening lovely people!

Let's talk about exams. They just really suck, don't they? And studying for them is just the worst.

Personally, my exams start this tuesday and end two weeks later. I can already tell that the it's going to be two long, stressful and busy weeks. I don't feel prepared at all. But, I do have some tips that have helped me get through exam season before that I will be sharing with you today!

There are quite a few tips actually, so I will be posting them as part of a series, InshaAllah! (God-willing)

Tip #1:


This involves, whipping out a piece of paper, a pen or opening up a word doc. on your computer.

Step 1: Start by writing out what exams you have, and when.

Step 2: Next, order the exams according to which ones you will be doing first, and second and so on and so on. 

Step 3: For this part you'll need some sort of a calendar or daily planner of some sort. You can always google a calendar template if you don't have or you could use your phone if that works for you.

Step 4: Jot down when you will study for which exam and for how long. This is important because you need to organize your time well.

For example, if you have a physics exam on a Thursday. then plot two hours a day to from Monday to Wednesday to study for it.

Step 5: Study. This is by far the hardest step. A friend told me that "you jut gotta force yourself to do it". And I guess she's right. After all, it's only for a few weeks that you'll have to study.  Plus, think about how accomplished you'll feel once you're done!

That's all for today! Talk to you in the next one!




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